Why Muslims Hate Hate Hate Us (They are Failures, We Are Weak)

A guest Post by: Whiskeysplace

A Conservative Look at Technology, Culture, Business, and How They Intersect.

With much of our embassies in flames (Cairo, Sanaa, Khartoum, Tunis, Benghazi) or threatened (London, Paris, Berlin), Americans are wondering “Why Do Muslims Hate Us?” Or perhaps why they hate hate hate us. Most also wonder what Obama’s plan or response will be (and we already know it: Sharia Surrender). But the real reasons are this: Muslims are failures, and they know it. We are weak, and they know that too. Muslim Failures plus American weakness = Burning Embassies and murdered Ambassadors. It is that simple.

No one has more reason to hate Russia and Putin than Muslims. The Second Chechen War may have led to as many as 40,000 Chechens killed. The now-dead Aslan Mashkodov claimed 200,000 Chechens died in both Chechen Wars. There is an ongoing insurgency still in Chechnya and related Caucuses Mountains Republics. In addition to that, Russia aided Khadaffi, and stood by him as he faced his ouster, to the dismay of the hard-line jihadists and Salafists who fought to get rid of Khadaffi. Not only that, but Russia under Putin has actively aided Bashir Assad, and his despotic regime, responsible for the deaths of thousands of Muslims, as Assad attempts to retain his Alawite (Sunnis do not consider them even Muslim) control as an Iranian Shia client state over Sunni jihadists backed by Turkey and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.

Not to mention the historic hatred for Russians over the invasion and degradation of Afghanistan, and the support for secular regimes such as Nasser’s, and the Assads, and Khadaffi. If there is any people and regime that should be hated and be the target of constant violence, it should be Russia and Putin.

And yet, after Beslan, it all ceased. Weak, and craven Boris Yeltsin, who spent most of his time getting drunk, intimidated no one. Weeks after the attack, Russian forces struck back at places like Grozny, leveling it. The Chechens and Muslims world-wide took their measure of Putin. And were AFRAID. Their fear was not limitless, however. They knew if they simply refrained from attacking Putin, they would be left alone. If they did not, and attacked them, they knew they would die very unpleasant deaths very soon.

The Chinese, ought to be second in line for Muslim hatred. After all, the Chinese are busy through mass Han Migration, into Uighur territory, erasing the Islamic religion, and Uighur culture, language, and heritage. So much so that riots and street fighting in places like XianXing broke out in 2010. Hui Muslims (ethnic Han Chinese Muslims) also face discrimination, limits on Mosques, general oppression. By all rights Muslims ought to be upset with China. Since Chinese media routinely depicts Hui and Uighur Muslims as barbaric idiots who need the strong hand of the Han to become civilized.

Why then, are not Chinese embassies ablaze with Russian ones?

Because the Chinese are also feared. Any guesses to the Chinese response if Al Qaeda had flown jetliners into Shanghai skyscrapers?

How soon would Kabul and Islamabad been turned into parking lots?

Alright, but what is the source of Muslim rage?

Failure. Failure of Muslims to achieve anything like the power and prosperity of the West. The riches and power of the West rest on its people, not its leaders who are generally asinine. Western peoples have many flaws. “Honey Boo Boo” and “Dancing With the Has Beens’” and “Celebrity Rehab” and singing/talent contest shows are one of them. But unlike most peoples most of the time in history, Western people get up and go to work. Where they use their brains, mostly, in doing basic things like making sure they have enough drilling pipe to drill an oil well, or measuring a window for an opening, or using a computer to diagnose an engine problem in a car.

This is not deep thinking along the lines of Bertrand Russell or Einstein. Not even fairly abstruse work like say, Linus Torvalds or Bill Joy. It is instead a simplistic but effective in mass quantities, thinking in mechanistic terms. Machines and tools behave in predictable ways, based on a Newtonian universe that is regular and predictable. Allah won’t suddenly make your saw restore instead of cut wood. Water does not suddenly flow uphill because a genie did it. You might watch and enjoy Harry Potter movies, but you don’t believe your co-worker put a spell on you.

Other nations and peoples have made the same jump. Japan, South Korea, and much of Coastal China has done so. Belief in magic, capricious gods, and the like has been replaced with a mechanistic belief in the universe operating in predictable and powerful ways. Taken in mass quantities, where nearly everyone operates that way, even for places largely devoid of wealth in the form of natural resources, wealth can quickly accumulate.

Muslims, pretty much all of them, that have any contact with the West (or Asia) understand this. But they cannot make the jump. Because unlike the Japanese, or Chinese, or Koreans, to do so would make them less than what they are. Their entire identity is built on magic, and magical thinking. To give that up would mean they’d stop being Muslim. And yet they WANT WANT WANT the wealth and power of the West. To live with dignity, and not in the dirt. To live long and healthy lives, not poor and powerless ones.

Other peoples have made the jump. And not through democracy and “freedom” either — but by changing how they operate. Meji Restoration Japan, South Korea until recently, and China now, are not exactly bywords of freedom. But again, this means ordinary people must behave as thought the universe is predictable and not ruled by magic and spells. A society’s wealth comes from the bottom up, not the ruler down.

Thus the Muslim rage. Anger that the West is wealthy, and they cannot have that wealth, considering the compromises. Muslims in isolated nations of the Sahel, for example, don’t rage against the West. They’ve barely heard of it. They are too busy lopping off limbs for thievery in Mali to care about what some Egyptian Copt in California put on Youtube. They’ve not even heard of Youtube. They live as most people have lived, in an endless and formless now. But most Muslims are well off enough, compared to history, to know and understand some of the West, having seen it on satellite TV, or living their themselves, in places like London or Paris or Berlin.

This is why, for example, obscure cartoons in an obscure Danish Newspaper generated so much violence. No nation has stayed out of the Middle East more than Denmark. It is tiny, less than six million Danes. They play effectively no part in the world save for exporting butter and beer. Denmark is not exactly friendly to Israel. But it is small, weak, and prone to appeasing Muslims.

Thus, a bunch of Salafists, who see political power through channeling Muslim rage at their inability to get rich, by (stopping being Muslim, essentially), ginned up “days of rage” and violence and killing against … Denmark. This requires three parts, of course.

Danish weakness. Check.

Salafist bloodthirsty ambition. Check.

Muslim rage at wanting what they can’t have (Western prosperity and stability). Check.

You can’t rent a mob if the mob is not disposed to be a mob in the first place. That’s why the Occupy Wall Street rabble is filled with rape, and assaults, and abuse, because the people are a mixture of degenerate trust-funders, permanent hippies, street kids, the homeless, and cheap thugs. All folks for whom violence is fun. The Tea Party, made up of mostly 50 years plus White women with their own small business, were models of propriety and decency, because for them, that’s how they live, and violence and thuggery represent not a good time but existential threats.

If you want to know why the Muslim mob is always a rabble, it is because they are one. They are as addicted to magical thinking, thuggery, and violence as your average Occupy Wall Street loser. And this writ large explains Muslims as a whole.

No, “not all Muslims are like that.” But most are. Those that are not, don’t get into street fights with those who are, either, but silently support them. Effectively, there is no difference between the 80% of Muslim men and women who live in constant rage because they want a middle class lifestyle but are not prepared to give up Allah and Genies to get it, and those 20% who have but remain silent out of fear their friends and relatives will kill them to keep believing in magic.

All of which leads to Obama’s response. Obama has bet it all on two prongs: Drone assassinations kept off the news by a captive, Obama-worshipping media, and hug-a-thug embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Far from the murder of Ambassador Stevens and four others being the “revenge of Khadaffi,” the murder was planned and carried out by the very people Obama helped: the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama reluctantly, but nevertheless visibly, helped remove Khadaffi. While it must be noted, Putin supported Khadaffi. Who did the Muslim Brotherhood attack? The Weak Obama rather than the FEARED Putin.

Then, Obama essentially ordered Mubarak to resign, handing the nation of Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood. This against the pleadings of both the Saudis and the Israelis, who saw the danger of empowering the Brotherhood.

Obama and his people argued that the Muslim Brotherhood represented most of the people (which was true). And that they would only be responsible if they had power, and that furthermore it was both futile and stupid to keep them out of power, because the ability of dictators to keep and hold power had eroded due to social media and rising commodity prices (no more bribes to keep the populace in check). Too bad they don’t endorse this for the White majority population at home, but nevermind for now.

Die Welt, has said Obama’s Middle East Policy Is In Ruins.

”US President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy is in ruins. Like no president before him, he tried to win over the Arab world. After some initial hesitation, he came out clearly on the side of the democratic revolutions. … In this context, he must accept the fact that he has snubbed old close allies such as Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Egyptian military. And now parts of the freed societies are turning against the country which helped bring them into being. Anti-Americanism in the Arab world has even increased to levels greater than in the Bush era. It’s a bitter outcome for Obama.”

“Obama was naive to believe that one only needed to adopt a new tone and show more respect in order to dispel deep-seated reservations about the free world. In practice, the policies of the Obama administration in the region were not as naive as they may have seemed at times, and the Americans have always been much more involved in the Middle East than the passive Europeans. But Washington has provided the image of a distracted superpower in the process of decline to the societies there. This image of weakness is being exploited by Salafists and al-Qaida, who are active in North Africa from Somalia to Mali.”

“One thing is clear: If jihadists believe they can attack American installations and kill an ambassador on the anniversary of Sept. 11, then America’s deterrent power has declined considerably. For a superpower, it is not enough just to want to be loved. You have to scare the bad guys to keep them in check.”

All of that has failed. Glenn Reynolds notes the coming Sharia (which has in fact already arrived).

When taking office, the President does not swear to create jobs. He does not swear to “grow the economy.” He does not swear to institute “fairness.” The only oath the President takes is this one:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

By sending — literally — brown shirted enforcers to engage in — literally — a midnight knock at the door of a man for the non-crime of embarrassing the President of the United States and his administration, President Obama violated that oath. You can try to pretty this up (It’s just about possible probation violations! Sure.), or make excuses or draw distinctions, but that’s what’s happened. It is a betrayal of his duties as President, and a disgrace.

He won’t resign, of course. First, the President has the appreciation of free speech that one would expect from a Chicago Machine politician, which is to say, none. Second, he’s not getting any pressure. Indeed, the very press that went crazy over Ari Fleischer’s misrepresented remarks seems far less interested in the actions of an administration that I repeat, literally sent brown-shirted enforcers to launch a midnight knock on a filmmaker’s door.

But Obama’s behavior — and that of his enablers in the press — has laid down a marker for those who are paying attention. By these actions he is, I repeat, unfit to hold office. I hope and expect that the voters will agree in November.

Reynolds is likely to be disappointed. Most voters, particularly White women, will be happy to trade freedom and a bit of groveling, for a small respite.

The Cerritos man, an Egyptian Copt with a name I don’t recall and can’t pronounce, has been arrested by LA Sheriffs, ostensibly for “parole violations” but really for the “crime” of blasphemy against Islam. Already, we have Sharia. It is against the law, as it is enforced (though not written, yet) to criticize either Islam or Mohammed.

Obama already has his response. It is surrender. His whole being is tied up in not using the military except in highly limited Special Forces ways, or deniable drone attacks. This is the man who by his own admission, hung out with the radical feminists, the Marxists, the queer theorists, and the radical Muslims.” This is the man who said,

“Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” *

*Audacity of Hope, pg 261.

This is not a man who will stand up for freedom. Or the First Amendment. Rather, this is a man aching to institute Sharia. Obama grew up a Muslim, in Indonesia. He hung out with “Muslim Marxist Millionaires” in Steve Sailer’s language, during college at Occidental and Columbia. Even visiting Pakistan in the summer of 1987. Presumably not for the babes, bikinis, and beer.

This is a man who has a Plan B. Sharia. He can by Executive Order simply arrest and imprison the man who made the video, and do the same for any other man or woman who makes other videos, or movies, or books, or drawings, or any other thing, that Muslims anywhere at any time find offensive. Not the least of which is that this meets Obama’s Agenda:

Surrender Abroad. Tyranny at Home.

In order to keep Muslims happy and be consistent with his apology for America and groveling tour of the Muslim world, Obama will be forced to extradite this man. And others, who have posted burning the Koran, or putting bacon on it, and the like, on various social media. Of course it won’t stop there, because Muslims will demand more, and Obama’s whole agenda is based on groveling abroad (coupled with “surgical” drone strikes against AQ leaders that the media never reports). Weakness invites attack (as anyone entering puberty later in Junior High can attest). Strength repels it (as anyone having passed puberty in High School can verify).

And this ties in with Obama’s agenda, which is the agenda broadly of the elite in the West: destruction of the White Middle Class and its replacement by a broadly hereditary pseudo-meritocracy, a reconstruction of aristocracy with princes and kings and the like, all deeply attractive to women in particular, and offensive to most White men. For obvious gender reasons — women do well in aristocracies and men do poorly.

Broadly, the elites seek ever greater tyranny to suppress the White middle and working class, and enact a permanent aristocracy. This demands a police state, one based on constant surveillance, minuscule rules on every aspect of life, and constant humiliation. All of which is attractive to women (and again, repulsive to men) in that men require freedom of action (if nothing else, to compete for women) and women prefer to know in advance who the winning men are and who to avoid as the losers. A technology based, Sharia-enforced, police state is the best of all possible worlds for the elites. Leveraging a billion Muslims abroad and ones at home, to create surrender enforced by the New Vichy State. So says Ace of Spades.

Of course, Obama and his elite pals overestimate his abilities. According to Peter Brimelow at VDARE.com, Romney is getting 53% of the White Vote, based on the Sept. 9 Rasmussen polling. That’s worse than McCain’s 60%, and likely a result of White women still entranced with Obama. He’s Black, for White women that counts a lot. [Noticing things with your own eyes, you see a lot of Black Male/White Female couples, but very few White Male/Black Female couples.] “Once You Vote Black You Never Go Back” is not aimed at White guys, after all. So Obama is probably the favorite to win. Despite a lousy economy. Incomes in free-fall (and sure to get worse after Helicopter Ben Bernanke dumps money causing inflation and eroding savings after a liquidity trap). That is not surprising. The Story of O might have been published decades ago, but it never sat atop the best-seller lists for twenty weeks nor did it sell in supermarkets (I’ve seen it there myself).

After all, White women have their own rage. They were promised sexy men and all they got was a bunch of “White guys” who create wealth and stability. Who wants THAT?

No, “not all White women are like that.” I have not seen breakdowns of Obama’s current support, but CBS News noted in June that:

The president’s support has declined among both non-Hispanic white women and non-Hispanic white men, including college-educated non-Hispanic white Americans of both genders. He enjoys higher support among women from this group, with 41 percent expressing support, than men from this group, 34 percent of whom support him. In 2008, 47 percent of non-Hispanic white women and 41 percent of non-Hispanic white men supported Mr. Obama.

Logically, if Romney is only polling 53% among Whites, it must be because White women have embraced Obama. Maybe magically White guys have embraced him, but its likely that the near-half majority he got with White women slightly improved, versus the 40% or so he got from White men in 2008.

The only kicker might be the personal background of the late Ambassador Stevens. White women don’t care (because, they don’t and never have, ever) about random dead White guys. White women didn’t march and support Reginald Denny. Nor the families of the two dead British Tourists slain in Sarasota by a guy who looked like Obama’s son. Nor the family of Bob and Nancy Straight. Nor the two early teen White boys set on fire by Black boys. Why would they? It is not any more likely than romance/porn novels will feature men who do the cooking (Kitchen Bitch?) or child-care or are “supportive” and egalitarian.

Hillbuzz is reporting that Ambassador Stevens was sodomized, repeatedly, which has been reported by Libyan sources. It might or might not be true. Hillbuzz is also reporting that Ambassador Stevens was openly gay.

And THAT is a game-changer. One very bad for Obama.

White women don’t care (and again, why would they?) about random non-sexy/dominant White guys. About George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, yes very much. So too the Royal Princes, particularly the one that acts like an a’hole (women love love love a’holes). This is hard for most White guys to grasp. But there it is. They just don’t. (And again, this applies to most, not all, White women. Effectively there is no political difference).

About gay men, White women care very, very much. Its why gays are all over TV. Women Love Love Love them. Gay men are what every White woman would create out of the non-sexy, non-dominant White guy population. As Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice) said, she dislikes straight men save her husband, father, and brothers. Gay marriage is a winning proposition among the populace poll-wise 52% nationally, because White women love gays. Straight guys are not out there demanding marriage be “gayed up.” Rather White women just love gays, and that shows up in any entertainment aimed at them (such as HGTV, better known as “Home and Gay Television”). “House Hunters” and “House Hunters International” feature gay couples every third episode. Because the female audience (men don’t buy feminine health care products, just watch the ads) loves the gays.

IF Ambassador Stevens was openly gay, and IF he was repeatedly sodomized because of it, watch out. The bottom will fall out of Obama’s support among White women. Then he’ll have to go to Plan C. Alberto Fujimori time. A “Self-Coup.” Perhaps establishing Sharia as an emergency measure on national security grounds, and postponing elections on the same. After all, “he won.” And he can rule by fiat, essentially, with a pro-forma Supreme Court ruling.

That is why it is interesting to watch what is going on with the Libyan situation. To protect Hillary? Nope. Obama would be happy to throw HER under the bus, the State Dept. said it will answer no more questions about the subject. But if again, it is true that Stevens was gay, and was sodomized and killed because of it, White women will dump Obama big time. Its one thing if some anonymous White guy gets it, another if a gay man does.

Even if Obama ekes past the post, with phony votes and the majority again of White women as the “Once You Vote Black, You Never Go Back” candidate, White guys are not going to be happy. Because the dynamic will not end. Muslims will demand ever greater concessions, on more and more issues. Because they’ll still be angry at being failures. And there will still be lean and hungry men among the Salafists. And America will still be weak abroad and tyrannical at home. [The preferred stance of women in the US.]

That leaves most White guys with a raw deal. That they’re supposed to like. They’ll rebel. But internally, in ways not seen. A constant surveillance state can be blocked. Cell phones switched to illegal alien/drug dealer oriented pay as you go phones. Email proxied and encrypted. Or messages hidden. More and more mocking put out, on various media, with more and more reaction by Muslim mobs and Salafist manipulators pouncing on weakness. Then more and more internal rebellion. Infecting even the FBI, and the military, which are made up still mostly of men. If one ICE agent can shoot another over an argument, (this happened here in SoCal a number of months ago), so too can the most beta of males do things en masse illegally. Its happened before, naturally over booze, in Prohibition. Nearly everyone drank, the way nearly everyone lights up now.

Ratchet down the Sharia, and you get more and more rebellion. In Egypt, the Mubarak regime fell because the elderly Generals and Mubarak officials and Colonels had stolen everything there was to be stolen, leaving the Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, and non-commissioned officers let alone the enlisted men with nothing. There was no more cash to spread around, to maintain loyalty. Obama is already reaching that point and we’ve just begun the Sharia descent. Obama and Sharia are raw deals for most White guys, and they know it. He might eke past the post (or not if it turns out the Ambassador was GAY because White women love gays), but faces a constant internal rebellion that won’t end up well for him.

Self Determination!

What makes the United States of America a truly Great Nation and why the left is bent on destroying it!

We hold these Truths to be Self Evident that all men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights; that among these Rights are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to Secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men , deriving their just power from the Consent of the Governed!

That statement from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is by far the cornerstone of what is America and why it is Greater than any Nation before or current. It is the fundamental expression of what would become the greatest experiment in self-determination in the history of this planet. A government where no outside forces were to influence its decisions on the fundamental Rights to be Alive and Live, To be Free to be yourself and choose your own destiny as long as it did not infringe on the Rights of others and to keep the Fruits of your own Labors.

The so-called educational elite who have spent decades lying and hiding the facts of our Nation and its remarkable formation of self governing, they have tried to obfuscate these rights by saying that man has enjoyed these rights before and it has failed as a form of government.

That is a lie because this Republic and its Bill of Rights and the aforementioned Declaration of Independence for the first time in the history of mankind allowed all of us who are blessed to be Americans the Right to keep our Property. Even as a serf or nobleman in feudal times the CROWN still owned it all. You were allowed to keep part of what you reaped from your labors only if the ruler was satisfied with your work. And he ordained who got what, when, where and why on his rule alone.

No where before in the history of this planet has any nation or country chosen a form of Government where a ruler or monarch or line of descendants or royal family or pre-ordained party or tribal leader or family elder was instituted to lead. We would choose for ourselves from amongst ourselves who we would have guide the Nation. If you are familiar with the Constitution and its original intent it was never meant to give power to a ruler or a group of people who think they are more capable of determining your destiny than you are. It was meant to do just the opposite, limit their power and give US the governed the final say in our Republics management.


Every single politician in this Country works for us yet they ignore us, mock us, besmirch us, deride us, insult us, degrade us and generally do whatever they feel like without fear of reprisal from us. And with good reason because many of them having acted this way for many years still get re-elected, just reinforcing their disgraceful behavior.

If you walked into any business in the world and found employees and managers acting this way you would never do business with them again.

And if you owned that business then you would fire every single useless miscreant that created the problem, yet we keep electing, re-electing and reinforcing their behavior by not punishing them.

The population of this Country used to have a standing method of dealing with politicians who acted this way, they would physically remove them from their office and depending on the severity of their malfeasance either tar and feather or throw them in jail. (or under it)(my favorite was the stocks, they would throw their spoiled food at them while they sat in public view to be derided by their fellow citizens)

We have reached a time where the progressive socialist ruling class that has usurped power from us, has pushed our way of life and our very existence as a Republic. That we can still choose who to represent us, to the the very brink of extinction. We are now hanging by the proverbial thread of what once was a Nation that every freedom loving individual who could get here wanted to be here. A Nation that other Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Fascist, Statist countries had to and still do block their citizens from fleeing to. A Nation that before the ruling class destroyed with their progressive socialist agenda, has to limit the influx of new immigrants. Because even with all of our new problems they still see an opportunity that the left has not yet completely destroyed despite their best efforts and that is you can still keep the fruits of your own labor and own property.

It is past time that we exercise to the fullest the power of self-determination now, the progressive socialist ruling class in this country will do everything within and outside of their authority to continue the path we are on which is to destroy the political system in this Republic. And if you can’t figure out what they intend to replace it with I suggest you stop watching the regurgitated pabulum and propaganda talking points, shut off the reality TV and turn on the reality of what is happening all around you comrade or get used to that greeting!

In Freedom:

Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.

President Conservative Party – Florida

Fixing what’s broke in our government!

What no Democrat or Republican will admit needs to be done or how to do it!

In listening to the latest back and forth from both sides with the Democrats lying and the GOP responding, it is obvious that neither side of this equation is willing or equipped to put forth the plan that we need to stop the progressive socialist utopian destruction of America. I have shown that since the “Great Society” legislation of 1965 the government has grown 464.4% from 411 federal agencies and offices to 1909 federal agencies and offices while the population from the 1960 census to 2010 census shows a population growth from 179,323,175 to 308,745,538. or 45.36%.

That is a growth differential of 409% yes our government has grown more than 4 1/2 times larger than it was in 1965 to perform the new duties it took away from the states. The federal government over the last 47 years under the umbrella of that legislation and the massive federal government build up has added more than 100,000 new laws and federal regulations to enforce it and its subsequent socialist utopian programs with only one intended net effect, keep the ruling classes ruling while subjugating our rights and freedoms. And to implement and manage them they created a vast departmental bureaucracy to control it and us that has been choking the life from this Republic. This massive federal bureaucracy must either be reduced or completely phased out or we will never recover completely and we will be forced to watch as we become the very thing they want us to be, subjects of a socialist Marxist state. (“we already are”)

The 1500 agencies and offices that have been created since then have been adding trillions to the cost of government and are now so fiscally insolvent that we currently borrow 40 cents on every dollar just to pay their bills. In 1965 the federal debt was $317,273,898,983.64. That’s billion with a B.

Today it is 15,728,863,898,758.00 that’s trillion with a T.

Yes that is correct while our population has grown by 45% our debt per person has grown by 500%! Our debt thanks to the unchecked and unregulated growth of our federal government is 25 times more per man, woman and child even with the offset of the population growth. That is a staggering number almost 16 trillion dollars in less than 50 years with the democrats running the show for 40 of them. The debt burden in 1965 for every man, woman and child was less than $2000, it is now $50,108.00 or 25 times more than it was before their legislation started us down the path to the progressive socialist utopian nightmare we are now living in.

There are other factors as well like the fact that it now costs business’ more in regulatory expenses than their tax burden. In 2010 the tax burden to business’ in both state and local taxes was 1.4 trillion dollars, the cost of compliance of federal regulations was 1.75 trillion. Yes we as Americans now absorb the expense of 3 TRILLION DOLLARS of pass thru costs from business’ in America with 80% being federal tax and regulatory based.

The Federal Register is the document that compiles all the federal rules and regulations that businesses are required to comply with. As of 2010 the Federal Register was 81,405 pages long. Federal regulations serve as a hidden tax on the economy. Costs imposed by regulation do not end up on any Federal budget, nor do they add to the national deficit. However, 81,405 pages of regulations strain the economy by creating huge costs that business are obligated to meet.

To fix the problem we must start down sizing and eliminating multiple agencies and departments to match our population growth and actual regulatory needs not the political infrastructure created by the Democrats to enforce their socialist agenda onto America.

I would start by eliminating the departments of Education, Energy,Environmental Protection, Transportation, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Labor, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development and the General Services Administration and pass their operations and funding back to the states with the states keeping the tax funding they now send to Washington to be wasted and abused. I have identified these 10 agencies because they have all demonstrated extreme fiscal malfeasance and since their inception have all had a negative effect on every single area where they have imposed themselves. Since the Dept. of Ed. H.S. graduation rates and over all science and math scores are down over 40%, since the dept. of energy the cost of energy has increased 326% while the reduction in domestic energy production of all types has decreased by 29%. I can continue this fact based performance evaluation for several thousand pages but it would only re-enforce their incompetence.

I would downsize all other agencies and offices that are not deemed necessary to carry out the Constitutional Responsibilities as defined by the Federalist papers to be necessary for the functioning of the government. I would eliminate the base line budgeting mechanisms and roll back spending to 2000 levels and then introduce a balanced budget amendment that only allows budgetary increases to match stated inflation based on preceding years inflation numbers.

All federal regulations enacted that have not been voted on by both houses and the POTUS will be suspended until reviewed for their cause and effect and any that can and should be the purview of the states shall be returned to the states for individual consideration and enforcement or annulment. All future federal regulations must pass house over sight and be deemed necessary by the states affected by them.

End Presidential Executive orders and czars, all “cabinet posts” will be vetted and approved by both houses with majority vote rules in effect.

Now no where in this have I stated that Social Security or Medicare and Medicaid have to be eliminated or changed but they should be removed from their federal bureaucratic oversight and re-instituted as stand alone departments with both state and federal oversight shared and administered. Their fiscal mismanagement and the use of the sequestered funds being diverted to the general fund must not go unpunished and must be monitored by outside auditing agencies that are directly answerable to the voter, that is why state run auditors responsible for all of the accounting is necessary. Also an immediate return of all of the funds diverted from Social Security and the guilty parties forced to make restitution, even their heirs and beneficiaries should be held responsible just like any other fiduciary would be.

As the title indicated fixing what’s broke in our government will take the effort of every American who believes in the Republic and the Constitution and its return to Rule of Law from rule of man.

Until we elect citizen statesmen in lieu of career politicians who are not part of the ruling class that is destroying us as the current 2 party system is, solutions based on the facts will not be presented and our decline will continue.

In Freedom,

Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.

President Conservative Party Florida


Anyone reading the mission statement of the Conservative Party USA will understand that our primary purpose is to restore the limits and boundaries of government as defined by our founding documents.  You may hear comments like our being willing to return to the days of slavery and other such nonsense.  Conservatives need to be clear that the desire to be as close as possible to the ideals of self-government and Federalism as expressed in our founding documents, no way suggests that we would be willing tolerate the horrendous abuses of our shared history.  It is the size and scope of the modern Federal government that I question and believe that a restoration of the founding first principles of Federalism would be beneficial to our whole society.

Our founding documents established for the first time in history, a form of government where individuals had control of their own efforts and property.  We know the unalienable rights that fueled the passions of our Nation’s founders were based on Natural Law and biblical teaching.  To provide for yourself, and to take responsibility for yourself and your family is occasionally difficult.  Personal responsibility for your own actions requires honest and virtuous citizens in order to be a successful form of governance.  This was the focus for the founder’s support for publicly funded education. According to the histories I found, they believed that the aim of publicly funded education should be to create good citizenship and virtue.  I found no evidence suggesting they believed public monies should support any other aim.

We know that some of our neighbors will not conduct themselves in an honest and virtuous manner, making self-government somewhat insufficient at times. We need the local, State and Federal levels of government to support, defend and protect those unalienable rights we hope to enjoy.  We need local government, where the citizens of our neighborhoods and towns and cities band together to mutually provide the services that each community deems important.  The State, before the Federal government, should deal with the broader problems that cities and towns cannot adequately address by themselves.

The Constitution of the United States binds the States together under a Federal government for six very specific reasons: to form a more perfect Union (than that allowed under the Articles of Confederation), establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and then to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

A more perfect union beyond that allowed under the Articles of Confederation is established.  The Federal government then has legal authority under our Constitution for the five remaining defined purposes and those are the only considerations that the Federal government should address.

If we accept that establishing justice essentially means that our citizens have equal access to the law, then we can say that our Federal government has failed to ensure this basic function that it was created to provide.    Perhaps if our representatives spent as much time on considering the fairness of the legislation they adopt for all of our citizens as they do their own self-interests, there would be much less strife in our society.  This more than anything else would ensure fulfillment of the third legitimate function of the Federal government, to insure domestic tranquility.  Doesn’t it seem as though most of the recent political posturing, legislative actions and executive orders are designed specifically to insure domestic disharmony between the varied interests of our citizens?

Our Federal government cannot be said to be providing for the common defense of our people, just ask the people of our southern border States, or the families of those who perished on 9/11/2001.  For many years, we have been involved in the affairs of other nations under the guise of national interest.  One can make an argument that our involvements, or meddling, in the affairs of other nations have placed America’s people in danger.   What is our national interest in any nation outside our own?  It is clear from my studies that most of the founders, including our first and most celebrated President believed we should never become entangled in the affairs of foreign nations nor enter into permanent alliances with any other Nation.  Have we not over time, rejected this wise counsel?

A messy area of examination is the role of government in promoting the general welfare of our people.  All one really needs to do, is define the distinction between promoting and providing for the general welfare of our people.  If a function of government could be classified as providing for the general welfare, then I believe it is proper that the function be administered by each individual State, as it’s own people dictate.

Securing the blessings of liberty should be the ultimate role of our Federal government but instead, the actions of the various branches have ended making us slaves to foreign debt, and left us feeling we have no choice but to roll back and restrict our government to operate within the legal parameters of the Constitution.  I believe that enough circumstantial evidence exists to prove that the two major parties have no interest in doing what needs done.

The Conservative Party (NC) believes in the intelligence, resiliency and resourcefulness of the American people.  If you find yourself in agreement with these concepts, then engage with us to re-establish the defined limits and boundaries authorized.

Come home America!

David Schott, President
Conservative Party (North Carolina)
August 2011