The Rule of Law- NOT the Rule of Man/Men. 

Constitutional Conservatism. –

The Regulators Anti-Socialism Vigilance Committee

A Sure Foundation For Liberty And Justice For All:

The Rule of Law- NOT the Rule of Man/Men. 

 -Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer. Administrator.

The First Amendment. 
“CONGRESS shall make NO law respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of religion, or PROHIBITING the FREE exercise thereof; or abridging the FREEDOM of SPEECH, or of the PRESS; or THE RIGHT of THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY to assemble, and to PETITION the Government for a REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.” 

– Things to take note of: 
1. ALL First Amendment Rights are FOR EVERYBODY including Christians. 
2. The 1st Amendment FORBIDS CONGRESS from setting up a National/State church, and it FORBIDS CONGRESS from mandating people pay tithes to a church. 
3. BUT it does NOT forbid the DISPLAY, EXPRESSION OR CELEBRATION of Religion/Christianity ON/IN Public grounds or buildings! Since almost ALL the Founding Fathers WERE BIBLICAL CHRISTIANS, and 25% were ORDAINED MINISTERS, SINCE our Federal and State buildings and Monuments have Scripture, Biblical Characters, quotes from people of the Christian Faith ON THEM (Including The Ten Commandments!), SINCE one of the FIRST acts of Congress was to BUY WITH TAX MONIES 20,000 BIBLES to replace those destroyed in The Revolutionary War, SINCE other EARLY acts of the FIRST Congress was to pay WITH TAX DOLLARS to have a Christian Chaplain for Congress, The Supreme Court, The President and the Military it is ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that “separation of church and state” as the LIBERALS “define” it today is ANATHEMA to our Founding Fathers! 
4. A Christian does NOT have “less rights”, or “a lower quality of rights”! Christians have EXACTLY THE SAME RIGHTS as ANYONE ELSE to say, celebrate, express, display, march, protest, proclaim THEIR VIEWS PUBLICLY. IF it is “o.k.” for Sodomites/Homosexuals/Lesbians to march, have public displays and expression and TO BE IN AND HAVE THEIR PERVERSION TAUGHT IN PUBLIC TAX-PAYER FUNDED SCHOOLS, then it is EQUALLY O.K.- and more so- for Christians to do so. Read More Here:

Is an Opinion of the Supreme Court the ‘Law of the Land’? Let’s ask Thomas Jefferson

Did our founders, after drafting a Declaration of Independence, fighting a war with England, and then sitting down to pen a national governing document (the Constitution) put in that document the right of a majority of federal judges to make laws for the entire nation?

So Long as We the People Control the Gun, We the People Will Control Our Government By Jonathan Henderson, on June 2nd, 2015

By Jonathan Henderson, on June 2nd, 2015

So Long as We the People Control the Gun, We the People Will Control Our Government

Ah, gun control ― one of the great debates of our time — the debate of course regarding the age-old questions with answers long-since provided. The spirit of the Second Amendment is not only unambiguous, but void of semantical validity. Such inquiries include: Should guns be legal to own?  Does the ownership of guns serve as a deterrent to tyranny?  By owning guns, does this make Americans safer from violent crime?  Finally, is the Second Amendment obsolete or quite to the contrary?

As a good conservative, need I waste precious syllables on my answers to questions bothering the Left so?

With the exception of the Brady Crime Bill President Bill Clinton rammed through Congress in 1994 the status of the Second Amendment has remained mostly unscathed. In December 2012 however, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting allegedly transpired, prompting many liberals to take action to curtail liberties for all Americans by calling for expanded background checks, a national firearms registry and a ban on a class of semi-automatic rifles. Of course we conservatives, led by the National Rifle Association (NRA), stood our ground. And though Republicans in the Senate voted to block passage of post-Sandy Hook gun control legislation, the attempt by Democrats to engage in this was the first of many future measures to undermine the American Dream. As Saul Alinsky imparted upon ACORN disciples like Barack Obama, never let a good crisis real or manufactured go to waste. So desperate is Obama to exploit a false positive, he illegally signed the United Nations (UN) Arms Treaty on December 24, 2014. Aside his innate corruption as any anticolonialist bigot from Africa living on the South Side of Chicago while we watch angst-ridden news of disturbing trends as part of Operation: Jade Helm 15, he at least admits his grotesque incompetence by attempting to hand over We the People’s sovereignty to the UN.

Democrats frequently assault the Constitution by crafting legislation in such fashions that there appears a system of laws for them as elitists and one for their intended serfs strongly resembling British Common Law. The British government has no true hard-copy constitution, but rather a list of laws built upon many others on the merits of their tradition. Democrats would love nothing more than to invoke hard common law. They could then pass legislation with total impunity. There would be no systems of checks and balances such are present in the Constitution. The purpose for the Founding Fathers in creating the Constitution was simple: to limit government overbearance through federal republicanism. The Constitution’s system of checks and balances balance delicately between three branches of government, accompanied crucially by a list of ten guaranteed rights intended never to be violated by the likes of them.

Our forefathers accepted the Constitution as its social contract binding our elected employees to govern judiciously; Americans were also far more independent during the first century of the republic than today. An article by Bill Fortenberry of The Federalist Papers describes the phenomena behind the great change in the American people’s expectations of government’s role. Americans in the early republic were keenly aware of civic responsibilities and therefore performed these duties without question as to their importance. They knew government constrained by the contents of the Constitution provide the greatest chance of the preservation of their liberties. The Bill of Rights guarantee liberty for all from government tyranny.

America was founded upon the principles of God, gold, and glory. The first permanent settlement in British America was in 1607 at Jamestown, Virginia for the purpose of cultivating tobacco. Thirteen years later, Plymouth, Massachusetts was established by English separatists for the purpose of religious liberty, and for over 400 years, Americans have lived by this creed. The one binding characteristic of these settlements is what made it possible for their establishment: the presence of firearms to provide the greatest deterrent against tyranny.

In the New World during the 17th Century, owning firearms was a necessity. There were no previously-built cities, towns or villages awaiting new settlers. The first societies in British America relied on their abilities to hunt and cultivate land. Settlers had to defend the colony against Indian raids. The foundation of America occurred due largely to religious persecution, seeking to settle in a new land in which to achieve economic success for the individual. And all this was possible because men bore their rifles and muskets (guns) to hunt and protect their families and property.

The Spirit of ‘76 has waned slowly ever since. Americans now identify more with the principles of the French Revolution than its inspiration, ours, the first of its kind in human history. Let us never forget either that brave patriots fought to secure our blessings of liberty inscribed in our Constitution and Bill of Rights include the Second Amendment right to bear arms, which the Founders considered a natural right of man.

Now, we have never armed bears just so you know, but chimpanzees were just granted the same privilege of habeas corpus as human beings by the New York Supreme Court.

John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson explaining his opinion of what were the key differences in philosophy between the two key pivotal events in the history of Western civilization.

“No man is more sensitive than I am of the service to science and letters, humanity, fraternity, and liberty, that would have been rendered by the encyclopedists and economists, by Voltaire, D’Alembert, Buffon, Diderot, Rousseau, La Lande, Frederic and Catherine, if they had possessed common sense… And what was their philosophy?  Atheism, — pure, unadulterated atheism.  Diderot, D’Alembert, Frederic, La Lande, and Grimm, were indubitable atheists. The universe was master only, and eternal.  Spirit was a word without meaning.  Liberty was a word without meaning.  There was no liberty in the universe; liberty was a word void of sense.  Every thought, word, passion, sentiment, feeling, all motion and action was necessary.  All beings and attributes were of eternal necessity; conscience, fate, were all nothing but fate.  This was their creed, and this was to perfect human nature, and convert the earth into a paradise of pleasure.”

In the same letter, Adams explained why French revolutionaries failed to establish their will of an atheist society when he said, “…they had not considered the force of early education on the minds of millions, who had never heard of their society.”  He also said “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence, were… the general principles of Christianity and the general principles of English and American liberty.”

Shortly after the American Revolution, James Wilson, a signer of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, taught his law students this important fundamental principle.

That law, which God has made for man in his present state; that law, which is communicated to us by reason and conscience, the divine monitors within us, and by the sacred oracles, the divine monitors without us.  This law has gone through several subdivisions, and has been known by distinct appellations, according to the different way in which it has been promulgated,  and the different objects which it respects.  As promulgated by reason and the moral sense, it has been called natural; as promulgated by the holy scriptures it has been called revealed law… That our Creator has a supreme right to prescribe a law for our conduct, and we are under the most perfect obligation to obey that law, are truths established on the clearest and most solid principles… Human law must rest its authority, ultimately, upon the authority of that law, which is divine.

Two members of the fraternity of America’s Founders confirmed their non-revisionist truth: the key plank of our great republic’s foundation is manifest destiny, our inalienable right to life and property begetting our happiness. Thus the majority of Americans identify with the element of the French Revolution that deflowered the old society of its duty to live responsibly. Faith in God requires constant attention to detail and much practice, as the platform upon which God’s authority begets to all liberty and the rights of man is in fact, “the laws of nature and Nature’s God”. Americans see in their mirrors Jean-Jacques Rousseau (The Social Contract,1762), not Jefferson nor De Tocqueville.

In order then that the social compact may not be an empty formula, it tacitly includes the undertaking, which alone can give force to the rest, that whoever refuses to obey the general will shall be compelled to do so by the whole body. This means nothing less than that he will be forced to be free; for this is the condition which, by giving each citizen to his country, secures him against all personal dependence. In this lies the key to the working of the political machine; this alone legitimises civil undertakings, which, without it, would be absurd, tyrannical, and liable to the most frightful abuses.

All the sacrifices of America’s patriots, minutemen and every soldier have since been forgotten. Few grasp the very essences over which those audacious British colonials fought the bloody American Revolution and won. Today, atheism drives a collectivized ethos as opposed to the two qualities about which Fortenberry discussed.  This culture was fostered meticulously over the past 50 years by those who learned the French revolutionaries failed to account how the French people ― peasants, sans culottes, or the figures making up the First, Second, and Third Estates ― were devout Catholics.  The American Atheists promise contemporary Americans a society free of God and all moral restrictions in rejecting responsibilities to neighbors and our families Christianity teaches are our sacred duties.  It is no coincidence these platforms promoted by the American Atheists are supported by Democrats who control the bulk of the media and, therefore, the cultural dynamics of America favoring rape, human trafficking, pedophilia, eugenics, organized crime, gang warfare and slavery in perpetuating the continuity of Jim Crow-era statutes.

The American Atheists tainted the fundamental directives of the Constitution ― the free exercise of one’s religion ― in launching its design for a total revocation of the right to choice to suit their own devious agenda. This is typical for all left-wing lunatic fringes to bastardize liberty by separating justice from the law, always applying the art of semantics in achieving what is antithetical to their original intent.  Atheists like Madalyn Murray O’Hair killed the right for subsequent public school children to choose to pray as the inches granted have expanded beyond the U.S. Supreme Court rulings in Engel v. Vitale and Abingdon School District v. Schempp. Throughout the past two generations, they successfully forced federal courts to remove Judeo-Christian likenesses due to the fallacy it violates the Establishment Clause. As socialists never acknowledge the existence of morality, they instead wage war on the American Dream by bastardizing our heritage while denying their past, only to argue for the sake of agreement. We must therefore preserve the Second Amendment because for true Americans, our God grants our liberty and the rights to life and the happiness of a property-owning democracy, not Washington or the UN. Our power is wielded by the barrels of our guns; government is slowly taking it away. They are our government, our employees, and we are the scales of justice balancing our Constitution’s checks when our government violates the rule of law we voted for them to create and enforce.

After this past Tuesday what additional proof does a Conservative need?

What more is it going to take to realize that you are not being represented you are being ruled. Even when we send real representation to the District of Corruption it is rebuked, reviled and castigated by lies from both parties out of fear. They have repeatedly demonstrated that they will do anything and everything to remain in power. They have demonstrated this again this week in Mississippi. They’re abject fear of losing power and money from the corrupt system of legislation and regulation that is used pro-actively to extort billions of our $$$ from you and I through their cronies in the seats of power on wall street and k street, is killing main street and we continue to invest our time and monies keeping them in power.

In 1854 the Democrat/Republican party split into 2 parties and by 1860 the Republicans won control of the federal govt. including POTUS. And this was done with mail being delivered by stream trains and on horseback and newspapers as the primary method of communication. It is time to end they’re 2 party political reign of terror. Help us change the course of history, it is not too late, but the clock is ticking and we are in sudden death overtime.

And the argument that voting for a 3rd. party will automatically give the election to the demo-commies………….after this past Tuesday, what demonstrable difference is there between the 2 parties that it is worth this Nations immediate future. 52% of Americans in a recent poll self-identified as Conservative not Dem., not Rep., and over 50% have registered as Independent because neither party represents their values or even respects them. We are the majority and yet  a select few in the seats of power in govt., education and the media have created the greatest illusion in the history of mankind that 168 million Americans do not exist.

Ready to exist again, ready to be in charge of yours and my future, are you ready to take back what is yours as defined by the following:

” We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these Rights are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”!          Thomas Jefferson

That is our birth right, that is our call to arms to end the tyranny of our time and every time we face the oppression of a ruling class system created by a small group of self proclaimed  elites!

There is not a single govt. position from the local dog catcher to the Presidency that we could not hold if we would rally ourselves to one banner and a single cause……restoring this Republic to its preordained destiny. Our forefathers saw the potential in the future of the United States of America. When are we going to see it, or better yet, when are we going to fight for it?

Come Home America!

Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D                                                                                                                                Chairman / Conservative Party of Florida

The Eternal Darkness of the Progressive Mind

– FrontPage Magazine – –

A guest By Bruce Thornton On January 20, 2014 @ 12:24 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage

The attacks on Lone Survivor, the movie about 4 Navy Seals caught in an operation gone lethally wrong in Afghanistan, illustrate once again the fossilized orthodoxy of the left. The L.A. Weekly’s Amy Nicholson called the movie a “jingoistic snuff film” that “bleeds blood red, bone-fracture white, and bruise blue” and assumes “brown people bad, American people good.” Similarly, Salon’s Andrew O’Hehir called it a “jingoistic, pornographic work of war propaganda.” Such rhetoric reveals the anti-military, anti-American biases typical of progressives, a form of bigotry as stale as disco king Tony Manero’s white leisure suit.

The reference to 1977’s Saturday Night Fever isn’t random. The next year another movie debuted that goaded the left into a similar fit of anti-American high dudgeon. The Deer Hunter, Michael Cimino’s sympathetic portrayal of 3 working-class steelworkers caught up in the inferno of the Viet Nam war, generated the same sort of stale, leftist anathemas we’re still hearing nearly 40 years later. An op-ed by New York Times war correspondent John Pilger thundered, “Hollywood sensed that a lot of money could be made with a movie that appealed directly to those racial instincts that cause wars and that allowed the Vietnam war to endure for so long.” That’s how 37 years ago a lefty said “brown people bad, American people good.” Viet Cong collaborator Jane Fonda, whose treacly Coming Home lost the best-picture Oscar to Deer Hunter, without bothering to see the movie whined that it was “racist” and that “our picture was better.”

Fashion in dance and dress changes and evolves, which is why these days no one dances or dresses like Tony Manero. But the progressive mind is permanently lost in its ideological darkness. It is still hostage to the left-wing catechism of American evil, a narrative already in its second century and obviously immune to historical change or logical coherence. You know how it goes: American foreign policy has always really been about advancing the capitalist interests of corporate overlords by violently appropriating the labor and resources of the Third World, no matter how much cultural or environmental destruction is wreaked. The American people are coopted into this nefarious neo-colonialism by a spurious patriotism about the “land of the free,” and ginned up threats to “our way of life.” Behind this cheerleading rhetoric, however, lies the “inordinate fear,” to quote Jimmy Carter, of alien ideologies like communism and now Islamism, which threaten the capitalist hegemony and white superiority. This “jingoism” thus plays on the racist fear of “brown people” and the need to validate white identity by contrasting it with an inferior “other.” Deeper insecurities––no doubt of a sexual nature––among lumpen Americans are likewise exploited and soothed by militaristic “propaganda” and macho fantasies in which noble white heroes slaughter evil “people of color” under the banner of justice and freedom.

Leftists have been taught by Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and Edward Said the deeper truths: that patriotism and “freedom” are just ways to con the oafish masses, racism is the cancer deep within the American psyche, and corporate profit and power are the prime movers of American foreign policy. This cartoonish melodrama is everywhere in American culture, from the movies of Oliver Stone to the obscure ruminations of university scholars.

Lest you think I exaggerate, here’s an example from 20 years ago, penned by a “cutting edge” academic from a prestigious university: “We too in our culture need to come to grips with our deep emotional investments in our own John Waynes, Charles Bronsons, Chuck Norrises, and Clint Eastwoods––with figures whose essential brutality, moral obtuseness, and gender-based emotional blockage we are constantly invited to forgive . . . And why? Perhaps because we are dimly aware that, as a society, our privileges derive from the genocide of Native Americans, from the crushing of Japan, the devastation of Korea and Vietnam, and––not least––the systematic brutal repression of the criminal element at home effected for us by our military and detective heroes.” Change the names of the actors, and this mash-up of Marx, Freud, and Germaine Greer would not be out of place in the reviews of Lone Survivor or The Deer Hunter, for these ideas have no grounding in historical reality, existing only as the free-floating jargon and clichés of the progressive rosary.

Indeed, the historical value of such comments is nil. Anyone who thinks that the “crushing of Japan” in World War II––the Japan of racist, imperialist Shintoism–– was anything other than a great service to the human race is morally and intellectually idiotic. Ask the 300,000 Chinese raped, tortured, and slaughtered in Nanking, ask the thousands of American and Philippine soldiers brutalized during the Bataan death march, ask the thousands of allied POWs routinely starved, tortured, worked to death, and beheaded. This same obtuseness persists today, as the left ignores or rationalizes the beheadings, torture, and massacres perpetrated by the Taliban, but patronizes and demonizes the American soldiers who not only put an end to such horrors, but risked their lives to rebuild Afghanistan and protect its people.

These pathologies of the progressive mind bespeak a cult-like mentality in which fact or consistent principle has no place. How else can one explain the deep and abiding affection of the left for some of history’s most brutal dictators? What else but terminal cognitive and moral dissonance can explain the creepy obsession with Che Guevara, a murderous thug whom lefties moon over like a teenybopper over Justin Bieber? What possible logical or moral reason could there be for the endless parade of celebrities and politicians––like New York’s new mayor–– making the pilgrimage to Havana to kiss Fidel Castro’s ring? Sure, fashion has a lot to do with it. But these thugs and killers are the saints of the left-wing cult, one that has always worshipped power and lusted to cut through the irreducible complexity of human identity and its conflicting goods in order to create their vision of heaven on earth, one in which they and their ilk will always call the shots.

As for those who reject the progressive gospel, they are heretics and sinners to be persecuted, scorned, and insulted, the “preterite,” as the old Puritans called them, cast aside by God to suffer eternal damnation while the “elect” enjoy eternal bliss in their tony bicoastal enclaves. That explains the smugness and self-righteousness of the typical progressive––the irony being that rather than enlightened, their minds have been darkened by stale clichés and ignorance of basic history, the furniture of the mediocre mind trained not in basic skills and critical thinking, but only to repeat by rote the progressive catechism.

Cults, however, can be dangerous. Right now a president marinated for decades in this rancid ideology of America’s foreign policy sins is ceding American influence in the Middle East to predators like Iran and Russia, leaving behind a world more violent and dangerous, and more hostile to America’s security and interests. And with his precipitate withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan, he is squandering the sacrifices and heroism of better men like the Navy Seals of Lone Survivor.

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The Real Dysfunction: A $17 Trillion National Debt

A Guest Blog By David Boaz

Gentlemen may cry default, default, but there will be no default. (With apologies to Patrick Henry.)

Once again the media are full of talk about dysfunction and default, as the partial government shutdown threatens to linger until the federal government hits the limit of its borrowing capacity, possibly on Oct. 17. The parties in Congress are still far apart on passing a budget bill to keep the government running, and Republicans are also promising not to raise the debt ceiling without some spending reforms.

If in fact Congress doesn’t raise the ceiling by mid-October—or by November 1 or so, when the real crunch might come—then the federal government would be forbidden to borrow any more money beyond the legal limit of $16.699 trillion. But it would still have enough money to pay its creditors as bonds come due. The government will take in something like $225 billion in October, but it wants to spend about $108 billion more than that. You see the problem. If it can’t borrow that $108 billion—to cover its bills for one month—then it will have to delay some checks.

Now the U.S. Treasury isn’t full of stupid people. Back in 2011, when the debt ceiling of $14.3 trillion was about to be reached, the Washington Post reported:

The Treasury has already decided to save enough cash to cover $29 billion in interest to bondholders, a bill that comes due Aug. 15, according to people familiar with the matter.

You can bet they’re making similar plans today.

Back in that summer of discontent I talked to a journalist who was very concerned about the “dysfunction” in Washington. So am I. But I told her then what’s still true today: that the real problem is not the dysfunctional process that’s getting all the headlines, but the dysfunctional substance of governance. Congress and the president will work out the debt ceiling issue, if not by October 17 then a few days later. The real dysfunction is a federal budget that doubled in 10 years, unprecedented deficits as far as the eye can see, and a national debt bursting through its statutory limit of $16.699 trillion and heading toward100 percent of GDP.

We’ve become so used to these unfathomable levels of deficits and debt—and to the once-rare concept of trillions of dollars—that we forget how new all this debt is. In 1981, after 190 years of federal spending, the national debt was “only” $1 trillion. Now, just 33 years later, it’s headed past $17 trillion. Traditionally, the national debt as a percentage of GDP rose during major wars and the Great Depression. But there’s been no major war or depression in the past 33 years; we’ve just run up $16 trillion more in spending than the country was willing to pay for. That’s why our debt as a percentage of GDP is now higher than at any point except World War II. Here’s a graphic representation of the real dysfunction in Washington:

National Debt

Those are the kind of numbers that caused the Tea Party movement and the Republican victories of 2010. And many Tea Partiers continue to remind their representatives that they were sent to Washington to fix this problem. That’s why there’s a real argument over raising the debt ceiling. It’s going to get raised, but many of the younger Republicans are determined to set a new course for federal spending in the same bill that authorizes another yet more profligate borrowing.

And where did all this debt come from? As the Tea Partiers know, it came from the rapid increase in federal spending over the past decade:

Federal Spending 2000-2011

Annual federal spending rose by a trillion dollars when Republicans controlled the government from 2001 to 2007. It rose another trillion during the Bush-Obama response to the financial crisis. So spending every year is now twice what it was when Bill Clinton left office a dozen years ago, and the national debt is almost three times as high.

Republicans and Democrats alike should be able to find wasteful, extravagant, and unnecessary programs to cut back or eliminate. And yet many voters, especially Tea Partiers, know that both parties have been responsible for the increased spending. Most Republicans, including today’s House leaders, voted for the No Child Left Behind Act, the Iraq war, the prescription drug entitlement, and the TARP bailout during the Bush years. That’s why fiscal conservatives have become very skeptical of bills that promise to cut spending some day—not this year, not next year, but swear to God some time in the next ten years. As the White Queen said to Alice, “Jam to-morrow and jam yesterday—but never jam to-day.” Cuts tomorrow and cuts in the out-years—but never cuts today.

If the “dysfunctional” fight that has sent the establishment into hysterics finally results in some constraint on out-of-control spending, then it will have been well worth all the hand-wringing headlines. The problem is not a temporary mess on Capitol Hill and not a mythical default, it’s spending, deficits, and debt.

David Boaz is the executive vice president of the Cato Institute and has played a key role in the development of the Cato Institute and the libertarian movement.

The Third American Revolution has begun.


A Guest Blog by Jeffery Lord
The Third American Revolution has begun.

Mark Levin’s The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic is the revolutionary blueprint millions of Americans have been waiting for. Released today, Levin leads the charge for “restoring constitutional republicanism and preserving the civil society from the growing authoritarianism of a federal Leviathan.”

Carefully and powerfully written, the book uses the Constitution itself to illustrate how to reform the Constitution itself. To finally turn the tables on progressives and liberals — Statists, to use the term Levin has brought back to life — who have spent the last century slowly and not so slowly transforming America into the aforementioned “federal Leviathan.”

Levin knows his subject. The nationally syndicated talk-radio host is also the lawyer heading the Landmark Legal Foundation, and, among his string of credentials a former chief of staff to Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese III. Levin also has three earlier best sellers that have set the stage for The Liberty Amendments: Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America, in which Levin examined the role of judicial activism and the subversion of democracy in favor of the liberal agenda (hint: think slavery, segregation, abortion, the importation of laws from other countries, the role of a Klan member in erecting the so-called “separation of church and state). Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto in which Levin detailed the “modern liberal assault on Constitution-based values…that has steadily snowballed” since FDR’s New Deal. And Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America. In which Levin reveals the role of the liberal ideal of utopia, the never-never land of human perfection that is always possible with just one more use… just one more… always just one more use… of power. A power that in harsh reality becomes a weapon “to dehumanize the individual and delegitimize his nature…a tyranny disguised as a desirable, workable, and even paradisiacal governing ideology.”

Liberty and Tyranny, written before the dawn of the Obama presidency but published just as the Tea Party burst onto the scene, in fact became what Congresswoman Michele Bachmann lauded as the “intellectual foundation” of the movement. As noted in this space at the time, the response to L&T was so overwhelming (as captured in this remarkable video of a Levin book signing in Tyson’s Corner, Virginia) it was waved in the air at Tea Party rallies, with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin photographed holding a copy as she waited to speak.

The problem thus understood and discussed in detail in Levin’s earlier books — not to mention experienced in daily life by millions of Americans — the question is clear: What to do?

Levin’s answer is now at hand in The Liberty Amendments, the bookend to Men in Black, Liberty and Tyranny and Ameritopia.

Levin’s research into the Constitution, the debates of the 1787 Constitutional Convention as well as those of the state ratification conventions are beyond thorough. As is his sharp eye for the extensive writings of Founders famous — James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, George Mason — and lesser known: Virginia’s Edmund Randolph, Pennsylvania’s Gouverneur Morris and James Wilson along with Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts and others. Levin has plunged into the contemporaneous thoughts and writings of all the Founders to document precisely what reasoning lay behind the creation of the nation’s founding document.

Writes Levin in his opening chapter of the nation’s current state of affairs:

Social engineering and central planning are imposed without end, since the governing masterminds, drunk with their own conceit and pomposity, have wild imaginations and infinite ideas for reshaping society and molding man’s nature in search of the ever elusive utopian paradise.

How in the world did America ever get to this place?

How did a country so carefully crafted as a constitutional republic by thoughtful men who had experienced tyranny up close and personal ever get to the point where the federal administrative state runs wild, Supreme Court justices, the president and the Congress disdain the Constitution they are all sworn to uphold and the nation, in Levin’s words, “is teetering on financial ruin due to the unconscionable profligate spending, borrowing, taxing and money printing by the federal government”? How does America wake up every day to find its government exercising unlimited power over the private economic behavior of every American? How is it possible that a federal government designed to operate from a defined “enumeration of grants of specific power” is now:

…the nation’s largest creditor, debtor, lender, employer, consumer, contractor, grantor, property owner, tenant, insurer, health-care provider, and pension guarantor….with aggrandized police powers…(that) for example…regulates most things in your bathroom, laundry room, and kitchen, as well as the mortgage you hold on your house. It designs your automobile and dictates the kind of fuel it uses. It regulates your baby’s toys, crib, and stroller; plans your children’s school curriculum and lunch menu; and administers their student loans in college. At your place of employment the federal government oversees everything from the racial, gender, and age diversity of the workforce to the hours, wages, and benefits paid.”

And that’s before it regulates your light bulbs and toilets.

In effect, over a century after the original American Revolution of 1776, followed by the writing and adoption of the Constitution after exhaustive debate in both Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention and in the various states that then had to vote up or down on ratification — a Second American Revolution took place.

A revolution that wasn’t termed as such, that was for the most part non-violent and in fact presented itself as just ordinary-politics-of-the-day. A “reform” that would, Americans of the day were assured, modernize the nation. This Second American Revolution — the Progressive Movement — burst onto the American scene in the 1880s. Progressives directly opposed the underlying principles of America. Where the Founders believed man was an individual — as Levin says a “unique, spiritual being with a soul and a conscience ….free to discover his own potential and pursue his own legitimate interests, tempered… by a moral order that has its foundation in faith….” the Progressives believed something else altogether.

Progressives believed man was not born free, that freedom was not a gift from God but a gift dispensed from the hand of the state. Freedom was redefined as the quest for utopia — or as Levin has termed it, Ameritopia. And in the endless quest for that utopia the social re-engineering of America, the Second American Revolution — the effective nullification of the Constitution — began.

Scornful of the Founders’ belief in limited government, out poured constitutional amendments that restructured the original design of the American government. Next up was the construction of an administrative state, and Levin quotes Alexis de Tocqueville — who was eerily prescient about what was to come in America long after his death in 1859. America, said the famous French philosopher, could be at risk of being consumed by a system that

…covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.

Alas, this is exactly the effect of the Statist or Progressive movement, taking a century to lead the nation into what Levin calls a “post-constitutional soft tyranny” through an endless series of “inventions and schemes hatched and promoted openly by their philosophers, experts, and academics, and the coercive application of their designs on the citizenry by a delusional elite.”

It is remarkable how many commentators, without knowing of Levin’s coming book, have expressed some version of the same sentiments that both Levin today and Tocqueville long ago have expressed. A look back through the last few months and one finds the following headlines:

“Let’s Get Skeptical: America Is In Need Of A James Madison Moment” (Austin Hill in Townhall); “Government Gone Wild” (Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal); “The Rise of the Fourth Branch of Government” (George Washington University Professor Jonathan Turley in teh Washington Post); “Why There’s a Deficit Trust” (Robert Samuelson in the Washington Post); “Losing America” (U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow in National Review Online); “Our Masters, the Bureaucrats” (Jay Cost in the Weekly Standard); “Slipping the Constitutional Leash” (George Will in The Washington Post); “The Great Disconnect” (Ross Douthat in the New York Times); “Justice Anthony Kennedy’s Contempt” (Rich Lowry in National Review Online); “Is America in a Pre-Revolutionary State this July 4th?” (Roger L. Simon at PJ Media); “Celebrating Liberty As It Slips Away” (Michael A. Walsh in the New York Post); “From the Constitution to Pandora’s Box” (Mario Loyola in National Review Online); “How Free Are We on This July Fourth?” (Editorial Board of the Las Vegas Review-Journal); “Obama Suspends the Law” (Former U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Michael McConnell in the Wall Street Journal); “Big Government Implodes” (Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal); “ The Perils of Dispensing With the Law” (Michael Barone in theNew York Post); “Our Broken Checks and Balances” (Henry I. Miller in National Review Online).

And that doesn’t even take into account the emergence of the Tea Party, the grassroots surge of interest in the Constitution and the writings of the Founders.

What Levin is proposing in his usual well-researched thorough fashion is, as the subtitle of his book suggests, a Constitutional path to restore the American Republic. He is nothing if not specific — and most assuredly this book and its contents will infuriate the American Left. One is willing to bet there may even be some “conservatives” out there who, already balking at defunding ObamaCare, will balk as well at the idea of putting a full stop to the pernicious doctrine that Progressivism has shown itself to be. Who cares about the Constitution when you have the New Deal?

So let’s get to this.

Writes Levin:

…I propose that we, the people, take a closer look at the Constitution for our preservation. The Constitution itself provides the means for restoring self-government and averting societal catastrophe (or, in the case of societal collapse, resurrecting the civil society) in Article V.

And there it is. The Constitutional way-out of the Statist nightmare — or, as Levin calls it the “Achilles’ heel” of Statism. Article V of the United States Constitution. Levin reprints the relevant portion of Article V with his italics for emphasis:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress….

Levin notes a very important point. Article V does not provide for a constitutional convention. It provides for a process of proposing amendments. Article V:

…provides for two methods of amending the Constitution. The first method, where two-thirds of Congress passes a proposed amendment and then forwards it to the state legislatures for possible ratification by three-fourths of the states, has occurred on twenty-seven occasions. The second method, involving the direct application of two-thirds of the state legislatures for a Convention proposing Amendments, which would thereafter also require a three-fourths ratification vote by the states, has been tried in the past but without success. Today it sits dormant.

Which is to say, a new Constitutional Convention and the subsequent ratification process would begin the long overdue process of shifting power out of the hands of the federal Leviathan — balance — and handing it back to the states. The states that created the federal government — a much different federal government — in the first place.

Admits the author:

I was originally skeptical of amending the Constitution by the state convention process. I fretted it could turn into a runaway caucus. As an ardent defender of the Constitution who reveres the brilliance of the Framers, I assumed this would play disastrously into the hands of the Statists. However, today I am a confident and enthusiastic advocate for the process. The text of Article V makes clear that there is a serious check in place. Whether the product of Congress or a convention, a proposed amendment has no effect at all unless “ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States or by Conventions in three fourths thereof…” This should extinguish anxiety that the state convention process should hijack the Constitution.

Thus Levin in The Liberty Amendments lays out in clear, concise language eleven proposed amendments to the Constitution. They are:

An Amendment to Establish Term Limits for Members of Congress
An Amendment to Restore the Senate
An Amendment to Establish Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices and Super-Majority Legislative Override
Two Amendments to Limit Federal Spending and Taxing
An Amendment to Limit the Federal Bureaucracy
An Amendment to Promote Free Enterprise
An Amendment to Protect Private Property
An Amendment to Grant the States the Authority to Directly Amend the Constitution
An Amendment to Grant the States the Authority to Check Congress
An Amendment to Protect the Vote
We’ll focus here on our favorites — actually they are all favorites. But some deserve a particular focus.

An Amendment to Restore the Senate
SECTION 1: The Seventeenth Amendment is hereby repealed. All Senators shall be chosen by their state legislatures as prescribed by Article 1.

This amendment may well be, as Levin notes, considered to be “the most controversial and politically difficult to institute.” A rare Levin understatement. But repealing the 17th Amendment, which provides for the popular election of U.S. Senators, would decidedly begin to right the balance in the American governmental ship of state.

The 17th Amendment was sold to Americans by Progressives as, in Levin’s words, “a cleansing and transforming expansion of popular democracy” when in fact it has turned out to be “an object lesson in the malignancy of the Progressive mind-set and its destructive impact on the way we practice self-government in a twenty-first century, post-constitutional nation.”

The United States Senate, as its name indicates, was designed to represent — the states. For 124 years it did so, producing along the way some of the nation’s greatest legislators including Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, South Carolina’s John C. Calhoun, Kentucky’s Henry Clay, Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois and Charles Sumner of Massachusetts. But as Levin points out, the idea in the early 1900’s was that since electing members of the House of Representatives by direct popular vote was working as designed — why not do this with senators?

The obvious answer brushed aside in the day was that the Framers had a reason for making the lower House chosen by popular vote and the Senate by state legislatures. The reason? They wanted both individuals and state governments to have “direct input in the national government” — the states that had, of course, created the federal government in the first place. To prevent, in the words of George Mason, the possibility that “the national Legislature will swallow up the Legislatures of the States.” The Founders wanted a direct flow of power from the institutions of state government into the process of making federal law.

The 17th Amendment decidedly undid this bedrock principle — and all too predictably the federal government did in fact “fill whatever areas of governance and even society it chooses.” Translation?

In point of fact, United States Senators today are not representative of the interests of their state governments — which are elected directly by the people. Instead they are beholden to, as Levin accurately notes, “Washington lobbyists, campaign funders, national political consultants, and other national advocacy organizations.” Or in other words: goodbye Boston, Albany, Harrisburg, Springfield, Lincoln, Little Rock, Atlanta, Austin, Sacramento, Carson City, Juneau and Jackson — hello K Street. And who, exactly, elected K Street lobbysists? No one, of course.

The fact of the matter is that the responsibility of the states in the national government as envisioned by the Founders has been stripped away, taking power once reserved specifically for states and turning it over to, as Levin notes, Washington’s “governing masterminds and their disciples.” Indeed, there is considerable irony in the furious anger from President Obama and liberals over the recent defeat of gun control legislation by the U.S. Senate. Who did they blame for the defeat? That’s right — the NRA. Not an elected state government. They blamed a lobby.

The repeal of the Seventeenth Amendment effectively created K Street and the modern “lobbyist/consultant industrial complex” America has come to know and hate today. To repeal the Seventeenth Amendment would effectively become an attack on that thoroughly “bipartisan” and distinctly well-heeled complex. Most assuredly, as Levin indicates, launching a battle royal between Washington elites and the rest of America.

An Amendment to Establish Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices and Super-Majority Legislative Override
SECTION 1: No person may serve as Chief Justice or Associate Justice of the Supreme Court for more than a combined total of twelve years.


SECTION 4: Upon three-fifths vote of the House of Representatives and the Senate, Congress may override a majority opinion rendered by the Supreme Court.

SECTION 5: The Congressional override under Section 4 is not subject to a Presidential veto and shall not be the subject of litigation or review in any Federal or State court.

SECTION 6: Upon three-fifths vote of the several state legislatures, the States may override a majority opinion rendered by the Supreme Court.

There’s more in this amendment, but these sections listed above — designed to rein in what many perceive as an out-of-control federal judiciary will alone doubtless cause an uproar only marginally less vivid than the battle to repeal the Seventeenth Amendment.

Levin notes the concerns various Founders and others had with the idea of the federal judiciary (to use a modern phrase) “going rogue.” He cites the prescient writings of New York Judge Robert Yates, an articulate opponent of the Constitution. As supporters of the Constitution rallied around The Federalist Papers, Yates and others writing under pen names authored The Anti-Federalist Papers. In Anti-Federalist 11 Yates warned:

The real effect of this system of government, will therefore be brought home to the feelings of the people, through the medium of the judicial power…..They are to be rendered totally independent, both of the people and the legislature…No errors they may commit can be corrected by any power above them…nor can they be removed from office for making ever so many erroneous adjudications…

And so it has turned out. Yates died in 1801, two years before Chief Justice John Marshall famously wrote in 1803’s Marbury v. Madison:

The judicial power of the United States is extended to all cases arising under the constitution.

Levin notes importantly that Abraham Lincoln took the occasion of his first inaugural address in 1861 to speak out in favor of limits to judicial power. Lincoln went on at length that he did not “forget the position assumed by some that national questions are to be decided by the Supreme Court….” But as a staunch opponent of the Court’s fateful 1857 decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford — in which Democrats led by Andrew Jackson appointee and slave-owner Chief Justice Roger Taney attempted to write slavery into the Constitution — Lincoln believed the Court had arranged affairs so that “the people will have ceased to be their own rulers.”

Contrast this with that exemplar of the Progressive movement and a liberal hero to this day — the Democrats’ Woodrow Wilson. Wilson the Progressive — and staunch segregationist — “endorsed flat-out judicial tyranny” says Levin. Wilson believed “the federal judiciary was to behave as a perpetual constitutional convention,” rewriting the Constitution at will and “nearly always promoting the centralization and concentration of power in the federal government.” Indeed, things are now so far off track with the federal judiciary that the liberal Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has urged the Court to “look beyond one’s shores” to international law when writing and justifying Court rulings. The Constitution? What’s that?

Levin writes that by “claiming authority not specifically granted by the Constitution, abuses of power would certainly follow, as they have.”

The notion that, for example, Roe v. Wade might have been overturned by three-fifths of the state legislatures had Levin’s amendment been in place in January of 1973 will doubtless cause a frenzy on the left. On the other hand, there is no doubt the Left would love for this particular Liberty Amendment to be in place right now — so they could try and repeal Citizens United.

Giving the Congress and the States veto power over Supreme Court decisions will surely roil the waters political.

We won’t run through all the other amendments in detail here. It’s safe to say that each in their own fashion will arouse considerable controversy.

Limiting taxation to 15% of income? Abolishing the death tax and prohibiting a value-added (VAT) tax? A failure by the Congress and the President to adopt and sign a budget no later than the first Monday in May mandates “an automatic, across-the-board, 5 percent reduction in expenditures” from the previous year’s budget? Individually reauthorizing “all federal departments and agencies….individually in stand-alone reauthorization bills every three years by a majority vote of the House…and the Senate” — or said departments and agencies automatically expire? Finally reining in the much abused Commerce Clause? Securing “the fundamental right to own and maintain property” from government regulatory takings by forcing the government to “compensate fully” any financial loss over $10,000?

Oh the howls to come.

Another favorite in this corner is Section 2 of Levin’s Taxing Amendment, which reads:

The deadline for filing federal income tax returns shall be the day before the date set for elections to federal office.

Can you imagine the furor from certain quarters when they realize April 15th — tax day — would now be shifted from April to November? Specifically “the first Monday before the first Tuesday” of November? This ingeniously ties the paying of taxes tightly to the tail of those in the federal government who are out there pounding the drums for election. Leaving voters with a fresh next-day memory of the link connecting the amount of taxes paid to votes to be cast.


While the Liberty Amendments are the heart of Levin’s book, it is critical to go back to the reason for this book — and the undoubted reaction to his proposals that is surely about to rain down on the book and its supporters, not to mention the author himself. Writes Levin in his Epilogue, appropriately titled The Time for Action:

No doubt, in a twist of logic, the state convention process and The Liberty Amendments will be assaulted by the governing masterminds and their disciples as an extreme departure from the status quo and, therefore, heretical, as they resist ferociously all efforts to diminish their power and position. Paradoxically, it is they who distort the Constitutions’ text and trespass its purpose by actively pursuing its nullification and abandonment. History demonstrates that republics collapse when demagogues present themselves as their guardians to entice the people and cloak their true intentions…..Indeed, the closer the approach to constitutional restoration, should that day arrive, a torrent of fuming and malevolent rage will, predictably, let loose, alleging perfidy by the true reformers.

The Liberty Amendments — all eleven of them — are a serious work of restoration and reform. They are ironically the very embodiment of that current liberal favorite: “Hope and Change” — turned back on the entire progressive concept of government. There is in fact no reason whatsoever that Americans must accept what Levin calls the “obtuse and defeatist notion of moderation that accepts the disposition of inevitable societal self-destruction without recourse to an available escape. Its irrationality is self-evident.”

It is all too apparent after a hundred-years plus of the Progressive “Second American Revolution” that the revolution is not only failed but dangerous. Exceptionally dangerous. Dangerous to everything from the larger financial underpinnings of America to the individual lives of Americans who must daily face this, that or the other onslaught from their own government.

The plethora of scandals from recent years — tellingly in both the Obama and Bush administrations —speaks to the fundamental recognition that the problem is the inevitable out-of-control nature of a massive, intrusive federal government apparatus. From the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac caused financial crisis of 2008 to recent headlines about the IRS, FEC, DEA, SEC, EPA, State Department, Food Stamps and more, all in a very real sense are nothing but the latest confirmation of just how massive and irrational the federal government has become. Indeed, the defense of President Obama by liberal allies in the IRS scandal is that surely one cannot expect the President to have any idea about what’s going on in his own government because the government is in fact so huge.


All the way back in 1964 in that famous speech A Time for Choosing (found here) that introduced Ronald Reagan to America as a political figure, Reagan saw all this coming. Said the future president in those famous closing lines:

You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.

We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us that we justified our brief moments here. We did all that could be done.

The challenge Mark Levin’s Liberty Amendments now poses to millions of Americans is exactly Reagan’s challenge.

Will we preserve the last best hope of man on earth?

Will, in Levin’s words, “we the people restore the splendor of the American Republic”?

Ronald Reagan’s A Time for Choosing has now become Mark Levin’s The Time for Action.

And Mark Levin has provided the blueprint.

The battle is joined.

The Third American Revolution has begun

The Clash of the Crusades

A Guest Blog By Jeffrey Lord

The Obama ideological crusade finally meets its match.

“A lot of people talk about wanting to change Washington. Well, if we actually change Washington there’s a lot of resistance. This is what it looks like. And we shouldn’t be surprised that when Washington is being forced to change by the American people, is being forced to actually listen to the voters that there’s going to be a lot of resistance because a lot of people are vested to the status quo.” — Senator Ted Cruz on ‘The Mark Levin Show’

Finally. Recognition dawns.

Last night Speaker Boehner emerged from the White House to report that President Obama and his left-wing allies refused to negotiate.

No kidding! Shocker.

The Real Question in politics is never the first three of those journalistic “W’s.”

The question is never Who, What or When.

The Real Question is always: Why?

As in: Why is President Obama doing what he’s doing with Obamacare? Why is the President refusing to negotiate with Republicans over the government shutdown? Indeed, why has the President spent the entire last five-plus years doing what he’s doing?

As in: Why are so many Republicans demanding the defunding or, at a minimum, the delay of Obamacare? Why are so many Republicans perfectly prepared to withhold support for a Continuing Resolution or a rise in the debt ceiling?

As in: Why are so many nominally “conservative” columnists, editorial writers, commentators, joined by some GOP congressman and senators, quaking in their political boots?

In a word?

These are not disagreements — they are crusades.

Which is why they generate so much fear and loathing.

The two words “fear” and “loathing” were first linked by the late “gonzo” journalist Hunter Thompson in his novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, a tale of a drug-fueled binge that takes place while the two main characters muse on the decline of culture in what they see as the insanity of Las Vegas.

In context for today, fear and loathing of one set of crusaders for the other in Washington, D.C. explains the “why” questions exactly.

President Obama and his factional allies on the far left have an absolute loathing for America as founded. Following along the well-trod path of a century-plus worth of progressives, Mr. Obama and his friends are on a crusade to turn America ever further left than it was when they took charge. A $17 trillion dollar debt? Almost $90 trillion in unfunded liabilities for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and ObamaCare ? No big deal.

This is precisely what the President accuses his opponents of pursuing: an ideological crusade.

The Obama-left wing crusade is dedicated to controlling the lives of 300 million Americans, in this latest instance through the alluringly if grossly misnamed “Affordable Care Act.” The President’s supporters make much of the fact that Obamacare has been passed and it’s “the law.” (Mind you, these are the political heirs of those who said slavery and segregation laws were inviolate, but that abortion laws had to be changed. Doubtless there are plenty of these people who as younger Americans were deliberately violating Vietnam-era draft laws by burning draft cards and the like. Their newfound devotion to “the law” is nothing if not disingenuous, not to say amusing.)

Yet as the always dogged and perceptive Betsy McCaughey points out, since its passage and approval as a “tax” by the Supreme Court, the president has unilaterally and unconstitutionally changed the law. Notes McCaughey, who has made herself the premiere expert on Obamacare:

The president is illegally picking and choosing what parts (of Obamacare) to keep. Gone is the employer mandate, the cap on out-of-pocket expenses, income verification for subsidy recipients, and over half the deadlines in the law.

Got that? The law supporters’ claim to be inviolate was unilaterally changed by the president himself. In itself an act that showcases contempt for the Constitution — and the mentality of a leftist crusader.

Not to be forgotten here is the news that Obamacare agents of control will be left-wing “navigators” — not so coincidentally drawn from an army of left-wing labor leaders and community organizers from the SEIU to ACORN to Planned Parenthood. Left-wing activists who have access to every piece of confidential, private information of every American’s life — including, yes indeed, your voter registration. Crusaders one and all.

This is the “Why” of what Obama is doing. He is about, as he famously said, “transforming America.” Making of a country designed as a constitutional — and capitalistic — Republic into a socialist state.

So what about the “Why” of Republicans?

Tea Party Republicans — which is to say conservatives — understand vividly what Obama is about. It’s always worth reminding that the Tea Party came into being not because of Barack Obama but George W. Bush. It was Bush’s TARP response to what in fact was a government-induced financial crisis, on top of his spending policies, that brought the Tea Party to life. When President Obama took office he immediately began doubling-down on the Bush policies — quadrupling down, in fact.

Conservatives understood instantly what Obama and his allies were up to — a left-wing ideological crusade. Five years later the reason for the alarm signaled by Rush Limbaugh a few days before Obama’s first inaugural — “I hope he fails” said Rush — is now understood in the bones of every conservative.

For conservatives, this shutdown and the response to Obama is about nothing less than the life of America itself. A crusade to restore America to the constitutional republic it was designed to be. Obamacare is seen as a direct if just the latest threat to the life of the nation’s founding as a constitutional republic. The conservative crusade demands calling a halt to the massive spending that will make of America the national version of Detroit — bankrupt. An economic pauper, where the freedom and ability of every individual to pursue their dreams is replaced by a nation of beggars, drones (the human kind) and government slaves.

One indicator after another is viewed with alarm by conservatives. From the rising poverty rate, unemployment and the companion millions who have given up and simply stopped looking for work, the millions on food stamps, not to mention the original housing crisis spawned by government regulations that mandated financing for prospective homeowners who had little chance of meeting the payments – all this and more tells Tea Partiers and the conservative base of the GOP that this is a titanic life-and-death struggle for the American soul. Not a humdrum business-as-usual Republicans want to spend X and Democrats want to spend X-plus budget argument.

Alas, there are those in the conservative media who see all of this as about nothing more than “tactics.” Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and House conservatives aren’t using “smart tactics,” goes the complaint. Congressman Peter King, so far off the deep-end he is now being praised by George Clooney, has repeatedly accused Cruz of being a “fraud.”

All of this is quite telling.

The other night Mark Levin reminded of something that has been discussed in this space on occasion. That would be the late William F. Buckley Jr.’s “Mission Statement” for National Review. At this exact moment in time it is indeed worth recalling Buckley’s words, with the bold for emphasis provided:

The inroads that relativism has made on the American soul are not so easily evident. One must recently have lived on or close to a college campus to have a vivid intimation of what has happened. It is there that we see how a number of energetic social innovators, plugging their grand designs, succeeded over the years in capturing the liberal intellectual imagination. And since ideas rule the world, the ideologues, having won over the intellectual class, simply walked in and started to run things.

Run just about everything. There never was an age of conformity quite like this one, or a camaraderie quite like the Liberals’….Conservatives in this country — at least those who have not made their peace with the New Deal, and there is serious question whether there are others — are non-licensed nonconformists; and this is dangerous business in a Liberal world, as every editor of this magazine can readily show by pointing to his scars. Radical conservatives in this country have an interesting time of it, for when they are not being suppressed or mutilated by the Liberals, they are being ignored or humiliated by a great many of those of the well-fed Right, whose ignorance and amorality have never been exaggerated for the same reason that one cannot exaggerate infinity.


If Buckley was on to the “well-fed Right” all the way back in 1955 he would have no problem spotting them now, nor the fear and loathing that animates them.

Many, not coincidentally, are ex-Bush aides populating Fox and/or the pages of various papers and online sites — theirs the presidential boss who summoned the Tea Party to life in the first place as he departed with a 35% approval rating. Others — aside from people like Congressman Peter King who seems to have gone totally around the bend — are (as here) non-Bushies pushing what Buckley called the “well-fed Right” line that busily embraces the status quo under the guise of so-called realism. The status quo, of course, is already tilted well to the left, much further so than when Buckley penned his mission statement.

“This approach places great value on zeal and combativeness and isn’t very concerned with success,” writes Daniel Larison over at the American Conservative. Larison is quoted and linked approvingly in a piece by Rod “Crunchy Con” Dreher. Both apparently unaware like Buckley in 1955, Reagan in the 1980s was all too familiar with conservatives who ran at the drop of a liberal hat. Reagan’s scornful term for these conservatives was “rabbits.” Conservatives who scurried from the first hint of defeat when Reagan himself was very much willing as president to, for example, veto a bill he knew would be overridden and bring the requisite liberal media chorus of damnation that so terrified the rabbits.

Dreher, not an ex-Bush aide, goes off on a riff perfectly describing the Bush-moderate GOP Establishment world view, praising prudence as “the cardinal virtue of conservative politics.” This is precisely the timid, status quo view that Reagan scorned as “ fraternal order” politics. To illustrate the real thinking here, this quote from Dreher’s piece will serve, bold emphasis mine:

But I told a Louisiana conservative friend the other day that the Congressional Republicans are making me consider the previously unthinkable: throwing my vote away by voting for a Democrat in the special election next month to replace my GOP congressman, who just resigned to take another job. The GOP candidates in this local race are hot and heavy to overthrow Obamacare. I think about how poor this district is — 26 percent of the district lives in poverty, making it one of the poorest Congressional districts in America — and how badly we need jobs and economic growth, and I think: What kind of world do these people live in?

So scratch a crunchy con and one finds a liberal who believes that Obamacare is the key to “jobs and economic growth.” Clearly and remarkably it never dawns on Dreher that the massive size and expense of the federal government is exactly why the poverty rate is soaring to the highest level in 52 years. The money pours out of his part of Louisana and the rest of the country and creates cushy $100,000 jobs for bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. — and don’t forget all those Obamacare “navigators” from ACORN and the SEIU who will be scarfing up tax dollars to make sure they too are well fed.

Here’s another Dreher beauty on GOP opponents to Obamacare in his area:

…these guys would make our economic situation even more parlous by shutting the government down to overturn what in any stable political environment would have been a settled law?

Good thing ol’ Rod wasn’t advising Lincoln or his district would still have the settled law that provided both slavery and segregation, those lovely staples of the Democratic Party.

So it all comes down to finally pulling the curtain aside and understanding the primal emotions that drive the left — and a good many of those “well-fed” conservatives or “rabbits” that Buckley and Reagan spoke of.

They have fear and loathing.

They want control — over every single thing in your life. Or, they’re too afraid to stand up and draw the line about that control, particularly when confronting the liberal media nationally or the cocktail crowd in Washington, D.C.

Obamacare all by itself is going to be demanding to know everything about you, including — as Betsy McCaughey documents here — about your sex life. You missed this? Here’s the question:

“Are you sexually active? If so, with one partner, multiple partners or same-sex partners?”

Where in the Constitution of the United States does it say every American must be forced to discuss their sex life — “because it’s the law”?

What’s really going on here is that millions of Americans have had it. They are fed up. They know full well this is not the constitutional republic the Founding Fathers carefully designed. They know that this dispute is well-beyond a bickering about budget numbers X or Y.

This is about the Why.

Why is this being done by President Obama and his liberal allies? Answer: He and they are on a far-left progressive ideological crusade to remake America into a socialist utopia.

Why are Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and a band of courageous House Republicans insisting that change finally come to Washington — and fearlessly stepping up to the plate to deliver that change by not accepting the status quo? Because their constituents are finally fed up. A century’s- plus worth of this has finally reached its sell-by date. They have had enough — and they are demanding — demanding — action. They have come to the belief that they too must embark on a crusade — a crusade to save the country from people Ronald Reagan once described as follows:

“If someone is setting fire to the house, it doesn’t really matter if he is a deliberate arsonist or just a fool playing with matches; the damage will be the same.”

And if their Members don’t get that their constituents see Obama and company as either fools or arsonists, there will be no hesitation about abandoning senators and congressmen and women who are perceived as abandoning their own constituents to follow the Washington Establishment herd.

Why are there conservatives who are wilting under the pressure, running like the “rabbits” Reagan so scorned or the “well-fed Right” Buckley disdained? In their own bumbling fashion these people too are engaged in what passes for an Establishment crusade — riding forth on the old nags ridden by one moderate after another to raise the flag of that oldest of chestnuts. The repeatedly failed gambit of turning the GOP into the me-too Republican acceptance of the status quo on the premise of realism and victory. In spite of the fact that this devotion to the purity of moderation has lost again and again and again and again. And in the occasional moment of victory leads the country even further left under the guise of managing the leftist-constructed status quo.

For once, President Obama has it right.

This is all about an ideological crusade. His.

As all crusades inevitably do, the Obama crusade has summoned forth its opposite. What might be called the conservative crusade — which in turn always travels with the carping, always losing, mini-moderate crusade to its rear.

This is why the seeming arrogance from the Obama White House and Harry Reid.

They are on a crusade — and only with the advent of Ted Cruz have they suddenly spotted the masses of another crusade, their armor of energetic opposition forces glinting now in the near distance.

It’s been a long five years. Actually, it’s been a long century-plus since the dawn of William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson. There have been repeated battles — and many calls for surrender.

Now the battle is joined again. Last night Speaker Boehner emerged from the White House to report the obvious: Obama and his far-left faction will not negotiate.

Of course not. This is a crusade.

And the American Left’s long crusade — not to mention President Obama’s personal crusade — to control your life does in fact have something to worry about.


By Jeffrey Lord on 10.3.13 @ 6:11AM

America’s Tyranny Threshold

A Guest Blog by:Eileen F. Toplansky

As he finishes up his Martha’s Vineyard vacation, Barack Obama would be well-served to recall the fiery words of Jonathan Mayhew, who is famous for his sermons “espousing American rights — the cause of liberty, and the right and duty to resist tyranny.”

Mayhew, born at Martha’s Vineyard on October 8, 1720, was “bitterly opposed to the Stamp Act and urged colonial liberties.”  Though he did not live to see the American Revolution (he died on July 9, 1766), his “sermons and writing were a powerful influence in the development of the movement for liberty and independence.”

And they need to be revisited as the Obama presidency continues its legacy of lawlessness.

First published in Boston in 1750, “A Discourse concerning the unlimited submission and non-resistance to the high powers” was a sermon delivered on the 100th anniversary of the execution of Charles I.  It was so powerful that it was published in London in 1752 and again in 1767.  In fact, this sermon was the “first volley of the American Revolution, setting forth the intellectual and scriptural justification for rebellion against the Crown.”

The following words from the Discourse fly off the page in light of the continuing unconstitutional acts of President Obama.

Civil tyranny is usually small in its beginning, like ‘the drop in a bucket,’ till at length, like a mighty torrent of raging waves of the sea, it bears down all before it and deluges whole countries and empires.

Although the president cannot write or rewrite laws, this president thinks he is above the law.  The “entire system of separation of powers … is designed to limit governmental power,” but Mr. Obama continually makes it clear “that he won’t respect these basic constitutional limits on his power.” 

Tyranny brings ignorance and brutality along with it.  It degrades men from their just rank into the class of brutes.  It dampens their spirits.  It suppresses arts.  It extinguishes every spark of noble ardor and generosity in the breasts of those who are enslaved by it.

And American young people are being dampened in their enthusiasm for their futures because of the actions emanating from this White House.  A millennial caller on the Rush Limbaugh radio show recently made the astonishing comment that her generation is being told there is no hope for the future.  Like the serfs of the feudal system, young people in Obama’s America “are predestined to misery and failure,” because they no longer have “any free will,” and only the government can provide and coddle this generation because upward mobility is no longer possible.  The Horatio Alger belief in hard work bringing rewards is being destroyed by this administration as it deliberately burdensgenerations of Americans, some not even born.

Thank you, Mr. Obama, for $17 trillion in debt, increasing unemployment, prohibitions against genuine American energy-independence, and onerous regulations on critical aspects of life.

[Civil tyranny] makes naturally strong and great minds feeble and little and triumphs over the ruins of virtue and humanity.  This is true of tyranny in every shape.  There can be nothing great and good where its influence reaches.

Concerning ObamaCare alone, Obama’s tyranny has grown incrementally.  Delaying provisions of the ACA law does not lie within the purview of the executive branch.  This authority is with the Congress.  But we have a president who has repeatedly stated that he “can do this without Congress.”  In April Obama “delayed a provision…to cap out-of- pocket health care costs.”  He also decided to delay the employer mandate for a year. This exceeds his authority.  The president continues to ignore the court’s ruling that his National Labor Relations Board recess appointments were unconstitutional since they were not approved by Congress.

Further acts by the Obama administration that are inconsistent with the laws of America include:

  • This administration was displeased with Congress’s failure to enact the DREAM Act.  So in 2012 he “implemented portions of legislation he could not get through Congress … and acted in ways blatantly at odds with the existing immigration laws [.]”
  • Concerning the “No Child Left Behind” law, Obama, “unable to convince Congress to revise key provisions of the law, simply authorized waivers from many requirements of the law — except that the ‘No Child Left Behind’ does not provide for such waivers.”
  • Furthermore, Obama waived a “central tenet of the Clinton welfare-reform law” by eliminating the requirements that recipients of welfare either work or prepare to do so through approved education or training.  This federal work requirement is not subject to waiver, but Obama ignored the law.
  • More recently, Obama is working “to unilaterally impose a tax on cell phones,” maintaining that “where Congress is unwilling to act, I will take whatever administrative steps that I can in order to do right by the American people.”  But “[c]onstitutionally, it’s Congress that decides how federal funds should be spent.”  Yet this president uses his bully pulpit to circumvent the proper safeguards that the Founding Fathers built into our system.

In 1765, with the Stamp Act fresh in everyone’s mind, Mayhew stated that the “essence of slavery, consists in subjection to others — ‘whether many, few, or but one, it matters not.'”

Thus, he wrote:

Those nations who are now groaning under the iron scepter of tyranny were once free.  So they might probably have remained by a seasonable caution against despotic measures.

Though “seasonable caution” is being heard in the country, there are still Americans who do not sense the looming danger that this president represents as he ignores the Constitution, appoints people who continue to break the law with impunity, and has overweening contempt for America and her ideas and ideals.  He flouts the law as he sees fit.

Mayhew asserts:

Since magistrates who execute their office well, are common benefactors to society; and may, in that respect, be properly stiled the ministers and ordinance of God; and since they are constantly employed in the service of the public; it becomes you to pay them tribute and custom; and to reverence, honor, and submit to, them in the execution of their respective offices.” This is apparently good reasoning. But does this argument conclude for the duty of paying tribute, custom, reverence, honor and obedience, to such persons as (although they bear the title of rulers) use all their power to hurt and injure the public?


For what can be more absurd than an argument thus framed?. Common tyrants, and public oppressors, are not intitled to obedience from their subjects[.]

Although he was writing with reference to the oppressiveness of the kingly or monarchical government, Mayhew reminds his readers that:

The essence of government (I mean good government); ….consists in the making and executing of good laws–laws attempered to the common felicity of the governed. And if this be, in fact, done, it is evidently, in it self, a thing of no consequence at all, what the particular form of government is;–whether the legislative and executive power be lodged in one and the same person, or in different persons;–whether in one person, whom we call an absolute monarch;–whether in a few, so as to constitute an aristocracy;–whether in many, so as to constitute a republic; or whether in three co-ordinate branches, in such manner as to make the governmentpartake something of each of these forms; and to be, at the same time, essentially different from them all. If the end be attained, it is enough.

But he reminds his readers:

… nothing can well be imagined more directly contrary to common sense, than to suppose that millions of people should be subjected to the arbitrary, precarious pleasure of one single man; (who has naturally no superiority over them in point of authority) so that their estates, and every thing that is valuable in life, and even their lives also, shall be absolutely at his disposal, if he happens to be wanton and capricious enough to demand them. What unprejudiced man can think, that God made ALL to be thus subservient to the lawless pleasure and frenzy of ONE, so that it shall always be a sin to resist him!

Continuing regulations emanate from this White House on a daily basis.  We will soon have no control over our health decisions; businesses are being burdened in oppressive ways.  IRS and NSA scandals are nonchalantly described as “phony scandals.”

A man who has no shame has no right to be a leader.  Obama has abused the trust of the American people.

But it is equally evident, upon the other hand, that those in authority may abuse their trust and power to such a degree, that neither the law of reason, nor of religion, requires, that any obedience or submission should be paid to them: but, on the contrary, that they should be totally discarded; and the authority which they were before vested with, transferred to others, who may exercise it more to those good purposes for which it is given[.]

We already have the necessary means to resist the assault on our republic.  But we must be unrelenting in demanding that the Congress meet its obligations and restore the checks and balances our Founding Fathers created.  If legislators do not adhere to the Constitution, they have no right to be in Washington, D.C.

Certainly Obama has taken on the trappings of an emperor, despite his protestations, but are we not obliged to resist?  He has broken the pledge to uphold the Constitution.  He has been derelict in his duty.  The National Black Republican Association (NBRA) has filed articles of impeachment against Barack Obama.  And other calls forimpeachment are increasing.

It was with “unfeigned love” for his country that Mayhew wrote.  In his sermon entitled “The Snare Broken,” he wrote of the joy that Americans felt when Great Britain repealed the onerous Stamp Act in March 1766.  However, on the same day, “Parliament passed the Declaratory Acts, asserting that the British government had free and total legislative power over the colonies.”  Mayhew died less than two months after this event, and, though eminently prescient, he was not privy to the continuing intrusions of Great Britain into America’s well-being that ultimately led to the American Revolution.

Will we take to heart these words of Mayhew, or will we, too, “groan under the iron scepter of tyranny” in the not too distant future?

Eileen can be reached at

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Conservatives………………..WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Is this thing on?

I am sitting here trying to understand why the 41% plus of Americans that publicly identify themselves as Conservative are still supporting a political system that has……..short of shooting us down in the streets…….completely attacked and or violated every single moral, ethical, legal, religious or political value we treasure.

If the last 12 months have not demonstrated that we are living the nightmare of a 2 party political reign of terror, created by a ruling class, that has usurped power with the help and full support of elitists from academia, crony capitalists, crony finance and banking, media, and the useless idiots they have created by their monopoly of these segments of society, then what is it going to take?

“The history of the president, Barack Hussein Obama is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the United States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.

He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.

He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislature.

He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:

For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states:

For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing taxes on us without our consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury:

For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses:

For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule in these colonies:

For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments:

For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy of the head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow citizens taken captive on the high seas to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A president, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have we been wanting in attention to our elected representative brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence.They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends.”

If you have ever read the entire Declaration of Independence than you recognize that we have far surpassed the violations of our rights that moved our forefathers to action and subsequently create the GREATEST EXPRESSION OF SELF-DETERMINATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!

I have changed only 10 words to modernize this document, every other word is as it was published 237 years ago this July 4th.

I have intentionally changed and moved sections to hopefully get your attention and more importantly get you mad as hell………….because you should be.

“When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.”

Thomas Jefferson

Replace King of Britain with Barack Hussein Obama as I did above.


We must work within the current system to take back what is ours by Divine Right of being Americans.


I have written countless times this statement of fact: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing the same way every single time you do it and expect different results”

Albert Einstein

Well what could be more insane than the last 12 months of political betrayal by all members of our 3 branches of government? Do I need to list them for you, they far out way and infringe on our defined rights and liberties and defy our rule of law than anything George was guilty of 237 years ago.

And to the many naysayers that are sure to respond with “we need to change the GOP from within” or “elect more conservative republicans” or “we need to elect tea party republicans”!

A little recent history lesson for you, several are all of the above by GOP standards.

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Sen. Jeff Chiesa of New Jersey, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada, Sen. John Hoeven of North Dakota, Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

These are the authors and supporters of the latest affront to our rule of law by signing legislation that will further legitimize people WHO BROKE THE LAW IN COMING TO AMERICA AND INSTEAD OF PUNISHING THEM FOR BREAKING OUR LAWS, THEY ARE REWARDING THEM WITH CITINZENSHIP!

With this celebration of our Independence I am challenging every God loving, Freedom loving, Conservative American to join the Conservative Party of America and end the 2 party political reign of terror before it is too late.

You have a chance to take control of your destiny America, if you have the courage of our forefathers and the love of Liberty they embraced.

Welcome Home America:

Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.

Vice Chmn./Pres. Conservative Party-Florida