Congressman Yoho Honors His Word Stepping Down

Dear Friends,

I write this letter today to announce my retirement from the U. S. Congress where I have had the privilege of Representing Florida’s 3rd Congressional District for the past seven years, absolutely the very best district in Florida. It’s hard to believe my 4th term is coming to an end when the 116th Congress closes January 2021.  Carolyn and I want to thank all of our awesome and loyal supporters who believed in us enough to give us the incredible honor to serve as a Member of the United States Congress.  A government that represents the greatest country on earth.  Those ideals come from our founding principles, our core values and the Constitution that together make this country that “Shining City on a Hill” as President Reagan often referred to America and as the “Land of Opportunity.”

To have the chance to serve this great nation has been the most incredible experience one could ever wish for.  We have been able to direct foreign policy, improve our tax code creating the greatest economy we’ve ever had, reform major programs like foreign aid, travel the world improving the nation’s relationships with foreign countries, and be part of preserving the future posterity of this country for the next generation.

I believed when I ran in term limits.  I ran on a pledge to serve four terms – eight years and come home.  Many told me I was naive and they’re probably right.  I was told the district has changed three times and so the pledge isn’t binding and I could rationalize that.  However, I truly believe a person’s word is their bond and should live up to their word.  I also meant that after eight years I would come home and pass the baton on to a new generation.  Now, I am doing that.  My goal now is to serve the remainder of my term for the next year and do the best job I can for District 3, the State of Florida and our Great Nation.  It’s time for a new representative to take over the helm guiding our nation into the future.

Again, Carolyn and I along with my children want to thank all of our wonderful supporters and friends and all the constituents of District 3 for entrusting us with the opportunity to serve four terms in the United States House of Representatives.  My goal was to leave this country a little better off for the next generation and to set a standard for the next congressman from this district.  Those results will be judged by history.

Thank you,

Ted & Carolyn